Do we really need to recap the end of Ronda Rousey’s UFC career? Fine. Dominant mega star gets knocked out, fans who called her the female GOAT say she’s always been overrated, Ronda is obliterated in return title bout, she retires.

However, it ended awesomely. She signed with WWE and was featured as a main attraction. She landed a spot on WWE’s Total Divas reality show. The point is that she has been a star in the world’s most prominent pro wrestling company and MMA organization now. She has done it all…except for having a baby.

She essentially announced her pro wrestling retirement on Total Divas (via TheMix) and referenced maternity directly as the reason.

I made a decision about my future and life and everything. I’m gonna do everything that I can to bring a spotlight to the women’s evolution. Then, I’m gonna go have a baby. In a strange way, I feel like my job is done.

What do you think? Should she retire from WWE?

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