UFC 98: EVANS vs. MACHIDA takes place tonight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. We here at PRO MMA (promma.info) will be providing you live round-by-round, blow-by-blow coverage of the main card as well as the real time results from the undercard. As an extra treat beginning at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT you can check out the LIVE UFC Multicast which has behind-the-scenes webcams of UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Rashad Evans’ locker room, Lyoto Machida’s locker room, backstage walkway where fighters walk to the Octagon, and Octagon side with Dana White.
UFC 98 quick results:
George Roop def. Dave Kaplan by split decision
Yoshiyuki Yoshida def. Brandon Wolff by guillotine choke rd1
Krzysztof Soszynski def. Andre Gusmao by KO rd1
Kyle Bradley def. Phillipe Nover by TKO rd1
Tim Hague def. Patrick Barry by submission by guillotine rd1
Brock Larson def. Mike Pyle by submission triangle rd1
Frankie Edgar def. Sean Sherk by unanimous decision
Drew McFedries def. Xavier Foupa-Pokam by TKO rd1
Matt Hughes def. Matt Serra by unanimous decision
Lyoto Machida def. Rashad Evans by KO (punch) rd1
(LW) Sean Sherk vs. Frankie Edgar
rd1 – Head kick by Edgar is blocked and Sherk lands a right hand. Left uppercut by Sherk. The guys are exchanging with their hands and Edgar lands a nice combo. Leg kick by Edgar followed by a nice combo. Edgar seems to be getting the better of the stand up at this point. Sherk throws a right leg kick that is caught and Edgar puts him on his back. Edgar grabs a guillotine but is just controlling him not going for a submission. Sherk breaks loose and they are back on their feet. Edgar is being elusive with side to side footwork and has been the whole round. Nice exchange as the bell sounds. Edgar 10-9.
rd2 – The guys are exchanging. Frankie threw Sherk to his but but Sherk got right up. We’re basically seeing a boxing match at this point with some kicks thrown in. Edgar lands a nice leg kick. Edgar’s footwork is making him more unpredictable while Sherk is just straightforward pretty much. Edgar comes in lands a nice combo and gets out of the way. Edgar is teeing off with his hands. Edgar goes for a takedown but it is stuffed. Edgar lands a nice right hand. Edgar 10-9.
rd3 – Sherk finally shoots and gets a take down. Edgar gets right up though. Sherk lands a couple of shots and lands a knee. Sherk shoots but Edgar shakes him off and makes him pay. Right hand by Sherk connects. Nice leg kick by Edgar. Nice right hand by Edgar. Nice left by Sherk. Another combo from Edgar. Sherk shoots and Edgar puts him in a guillotine as the bell sounds. Edgar 10-9. This is a huge win for Edgar if he gets it. Frankie Edgar defeats Sean Sherk by unanimous decision (30-27 x 3)
(MW) Dan Miller vs. Chael Sonnen
rd1 – Miller lands two good rights and a leg kick. Sonnen shoots in and Sonnen pulls a full guard arm-in guillotine. It’s tight but Sonnen slips out. Sonnen is on top with some good ground and pound. Sonnen is in Miller’s guard. Lands a good elbow. Miller using a high guard. Miller looks for a kneebar and grabs his leg but Sonnen defends and lands on top in side control. Sonnen lands a few good elbows and is keeping on constant pressure. Sonnen stands up and throws a little leg kick followed by a huge punch that should have KO’d Miller. Sonnen finishes the round still on top landing ground and pound. Sonnen 10-9.
rd2 – Sonnen picks up Miller for a slam but Miller locks in a guillotine on the way down. Miller holds it tight but Sonnen escapes. Sonnen is on top again, stands up, and delivers another big shot from the standing position. Sonnen keeping on the pressure this round again. This is classic Team Quest style fighting. Miller throws up an armbar but Sonnen is not fazed. Nice big left hand from the guard followed by an elbow by Sonnen. The round ends with Miller hanging on tight avoiding damage. Sonnen 10-9.
rd3 – Miller lands a nice combination that temporarily stuns Sonnen. Sonnen takes him down effortlessly. Miller seems tired and Sonnen goes back to putting on the pressure from inside Miller’s guard. Nice left hands from Sonnen followed by an elbow. Sonnen stands up and throws a big shot that just misses. Sonnen back on top throws a good elbow. Edgar looks for a a couple of submissions but doesn’t come close.. Sonnen 10-9. Chael Sonnen defeats Dan Miller by unanimous decision (30-27 x 3)
(MW) Drew McFedries vs. Xavier Foupa-Pokam
rd1 – Drew McFedries comes out firing quickly and connects with a punch that knocks Foupa-Pokam against the fence. He keeps firing over and over. Foupa-Pokam makes his way to his feet somehow only to get dropped again. Foupa-Pokam literally gets dropped three times and never has a chance to respond until he grabs a leg but it’s too late as referee Yves Lavigne steps in at just 37 seconds into the round. Foupa-Pokam protests but he had had enough. Drew McFedries defeats Xavier Foupa-Pokam by TKO in round 1 (:37)
(LHW) Krzysztof Soszynski vs. Andre Gusmao
rd1 – Gusmao starts off strong and connected with some nice punches. Soszynski kicks Gusmao in the groin by accident and there is a brief pause in the action. Soszynski lands a nice combo that rocks Gusmao and puts him on the run. Soszynski chases him down and has him against the cage. He starts teeing off with punches a big right connects that drops Gusmao to the floor like a rag doll. Soszynski follows up with a flurry to the grounded Gusmao until Herb Dean stops it at 3:17. Kryzysztof Soszynski defeats Andre Gusmao by TKO in round 1. (3:17)
(WW) Matt Hughes vs. Matt Serra
rd1 – Here we go. Hughes is in a south paw stance. Rogan says that means he wants to shoot. Feeling each other out. Hughes throws a jab. Serra drops Hughes with a huge punch. Hughes gets up but is wobbly. Hughes has Serra in the clinch now and is recovering. Hughes has him pressed against the cage. Rogan says a head butt dropped Hughes not a punch. Hughes throws an uppercut that catches air. Serra gave a big smile to Hughes followed by a leg kick. Hughes lands a righ hook. Left kick by Hughes is blocked. Hughes gets a take down and has side control. He has Serra’s back and is looking for a rear naked choke. Serra escapes and is back to his feet. This is a great fight. Serra swings, Hughes ducks and cliches. Serra 10-9
rd2 – Hughes gets the clinch and muscles Serra to the ground. Hughes is so strong. Hughes is on top in half guard. Hughes has controlled the top position now for about a minute but not doing any damage. Serra is trying to advance position but nothing is coming through for him at this point. About two minutes now and Hughes is still on top. Hughes is punching him in the back. Hughes is laying and praying but now landing a few good head shots. Hughes lis looking for full mount. Hughes has dominated this round. The ref stands them up with only ten seconds to go. Hughes 10-9
rd3 – Hughes lands a knee to the body as Serra moves in. Hughes lands a nice right hand that sets up a takedown. Hughes is back on to and has omoplata position with Hughes left arm trapped. Serra is holding him but Hughes gets out and is in Serra’s full guard. Serra does it again now with the other arm. Hughes i out and looking to pass. Serra tries a triangle but Hughes gets out. Serra hangs on and waits for the stand up. He gets it. They are up and Serra needs to do something. Hughes connects with a punch. Hughes goes for a takedown but Serra reverses and throws him on his own back. Beautiful takedown by Matt Serra. Serra nails Serra with a punch. Ten seconds left. Serra ends it with a kimura attempt. It is close but I give the round to Serra 10-9. Nope. Matt Hughes defeats Matt Serra by unanimous decision (29-28 x 3)
Matt Hughes said after the fight he would like to fight again in his home state. In other words, Hughes is not retired. He said jokingly after the fight that he is now a free agent. His contract is up. He said he would never fight for another organization and that he and Dana will need to sit down and figure out what’s next. It’s good to see Hughes willing to still want to fight and not yet retire.
(LHW) Title Fight – Rashad Evans vs. Lyoto Machida
rd1 – The guys are feeling each other out. Machida throws a low kick feint. It’s been over a minute a no strikes have been thrown. A few boos have already started. A battle of patience. Lyoto lands a left high kick. Rash comes in with a few punches that miss. Rashad is throwing a feeling jab. Lyoto lands a left body kick. Rashad lands a low kick. The clinch up briefly but release. Machida knocks Rashad down with a left kick. He tries to finish but Rasshad hangs on and defends well. Lyoto backs off and lets him up. Lyoto lands a low kick and a high kick and a straight kick. Lyoto 10-9
rd2 – Lyoto lands a low kick and is using some feints and foot work. Rashad is hanging back. Lyoto moves in with a kick and clinches. Was going for a takedown but the cage was there. Lyoto lets go and moves back to his fighting stance. They exchange blows. Machida rushed in with punches and Rashad fired back with punches. This is a real style match up of epic proportions. Both guys throw some shots that miss. Rashad lands a body kick. Lyoto connects with punches and Rashad is rocked badly and drops to a knee. He stands up and tries to fire back but Lyoto Machida has unleashed the dragon…literally. He is firing away shot after shot, Rashad is hanging on with nothing but heart. The final flurry comes as Rashad is against the fence and Lyoto connects with a left hand that drops Rashad on his back… flat… cold… out. Lyoto Machida defeats Rashad Evans by Knockout in round 2 (3:57)
(MW) Mike Pyle vs. Brock Larson
rd1 – Larson gets the takedown. Pyle goes for a omoplata and then to a leg lock, then to toe hold. Pyle rolls looking for a triangle. Pyle lands an upkick that connects to Larson’s face. Larson is looking for a choke but Pyle rolls. Larson gets a arm triangle sunk in deep and Mike Pyle taps out. Pyle took this fight on short notice and he has a great ground game but Larson pulled it off by controlling the top position and great technique. Brock Larson defeats Mike Pyle by arm triangle submission in round 1 (3:06)
(HW) Tim Hague vs. Pat Barry
rd1 – Hague chases Pat Barry. Barry throws a head kick that misses barely. Hague looks much bigger than Barry. Huge right foot head kick rocks Hague. Hague takes Barry down though and Barry gives up his back. Barry tries to get up but Hague locks in a guillotine and Barry is forced to tap. Barry had that fight won but got sloppy. Tim Hague defeats Pat Barry by guillotine choke submission in round 1 (1:42)
Amazing you are the first of having this results.
amazing Jack amazing
Yoshida come back to the victory, good news.
Lyoto is not to be messed with.
Good to see Hughes back with a win. He looked huge.
Sherk might as well have had boxing gloves on. It seems he thinks he can simply outbox everyone he faces.
Hopefully Barry won’t be a cocky next time and finish the fight.
Rashad got KO’ed but he showed a huge heart at the end
Lyoto cost me my chest hair! I am a man of my word and will be getting Brock Lesnar’s cock chest tattoo sometime Monday. Great work on the PBP Jack. Alwya sswift and accurate. Dont forget to check out this week’s Info for our guest, poker insider Chris Tessaro from the Hardcore Poker Show and I will make good on my bet!
Thanks Eddie…..Definitely will be listening…and just to show I was a Lyoto supporter when Lyoto wasn’t considered “cool” (as of course he will be now)….I want to point people to my May 26, 2008 article entitled “The Dragon Style of Lyoto Machida.” It was back then people tried to compare him to Kalib Starnes running: http://promma.info/index.php/2008/05/26/the-dragon-style-of-lyoto-machida/
Also, Eddie you have to take a photo of your new chest hair design!!
Wow, I didn’t know you were doing play by play. Are you going to do that for the other fights also? If so, that’s sweet. Machida is just so tactful. I love it that nobody could read his style. I think he’s going to stay the champ for a while.
We try to do them for all the cards MMA Videos. Thanks for stopping by. Yeah Machida is on another level. I don’t see anyone currently in the UFC who can handle him. Machida vs. Fedor!!!
You know I will be documenting this bet. The picture will be up with the new episode
Lyoto’s next fight is presumably against Rampage. Rampage doesn’t defend kicks well and I think that will be his downfall against Machida. I agree Jack I don’t see any real threats to Machida right now in the division. Other than Shogun. I just like his skills