Freak show boxing is just straight up weird.

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Vitor Belfort was supposed to face decorated former boxing champion Oscar De La Hoya in a freak show boxing match but plans have changed. Oscar recently announced he tested positive for the coronavirus meaning he couldn’t possibly make the September 11th event date. Cancel the show you say? Why no says they.

Enter…for the love of….58 year old former heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield to fight the 44 year old Brazilian.

Holyfield was rumored to be facing old rival Mike Tyson in a legends match but that appears to be scratched. 58 years old isn’t on the front step of death’s door but it is up there. These exhibition matches don’t have the scrutinizing commission eyes on them like official federation bouts and they certainly don’t bring in the money like them either. Betting is still a big part of these matches believe it or not.

Then again I am certain there are people who would bet in which lawn a stray dog would relieve itself. You think I’m joking.

Here are the odds according to BetOnline:

Belfort -175

Holyfield +145

If Holyfield was the same age as Belfort those odds would look much different but pushing 60 makes it hard to put money on someone no matter how good they were.