One of the longest running regional promotions in the country is about to turn ten years old. Former and future Bellator and UFC fighters have stepped in and out of its cages along the way. Owned and operated by pioneers Vanessa and Brandon ‘Hardrock’ Higdon, Hardrock MMA has become the go to place for competitors looking to make a name for themselves.

Their tag line for the event is “Hardrock MMA is coming home” and they are as they head back to Elizabethtown, Kentucky on Friday, November 30, 2018. Someone else is coming to the event and that is yours truly, a semi-retired ring announcer. I have announced for the American Fight League in places like Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY and Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia but Hardrock MMA has always been my real MMA family and favorite place. I will be taking the mic, probably butchering a few hard to spell names, and I welcome everyone to come out to see it.

Amateur and professional fighters will be taking center stage. Some are veterans and some are on the rise, but all are looking to establish themselves as the real deal.

You can pre-purchase tickets for the event by clicking this link.

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