Jeremiah Hill will make his return to the cage on Oct. 20 at Johnathan Ivey’s Cage Fighting Championships 5 in Murfreesboro, Tenn., when he faces Chase McMullen for the vacant super heavyweight title. After finishing Lavelle Miller in the first round at JICFC 4, the Marine Corps veteran will now get his shot at the championship. Jeremiah spoke with us about his win over Miller, what he thinks about his upcoming opponent and why he thinks this fight ends in the first round.

Hi Jeremiah, thanks for your time. Did your last fight against Lavelle Miller go as you expected?

Anytime man. It went exactly as expected. I knew he was gonna come out, clinch, and try and get the takedown. My whole camp we drilled takedown defense and striking out of the clinch. Going into the fight I was confident that he wouldn’t take me down and I would finish standing.

Did you notice anything that you needed to improve on after your fight with Miller?

As a SHW cardio can always improve. My game as a whole is always evolving though. I think just from the last fight everybody is going to see huge improvements. That would be my goal for every fight in my career no matter how high a level of competition I’m fighting at.

While you were preparing to fight Miller, I assume you watched his fight with Chase McMullen, what did you think of Chase?

I saw a young inexperienced fighter with wild standup that gassed himself out. In his fight with Sammy Walker he showed an inability to finish and that his jaw isn’t near strong enough to hang with the big boys.

Do you think Chase is going to be a tougher fight than Lavelle was?

No I don’t. Lavelle made me work probably the weakest aspect of my game, my wrestling. I don’t feel Chase has anything to threaten me with. If he comes to stand and bang, I will sleep him!

How do you see your title fight going?

I see me getting the KO in the 1st round, but make no mistake, I’m prepared to bang it out for 3.

Do you think you can finish Chase in the first round like you did Lavelle?

For sure! No doubt in my mind!

Who are some of the people helping you prepare for this fight?

Ryan McDonald, Cody Goodale and the rest of the crew working with me in the Dungeon and Mike Merriman and guys at Wildside in Clarksville, TN.

Is there anybody in the JICFC that you want to fight next?

Nobody in particular at the moment. I’m just here to fight and test myself against the best.

Can you talk about your sponsorship with Veteran Grown and the benefits you derive from their CBD products?

It’s actually been amazing for me. I suggest anyone training to look into the benefits of CBD. To be able to go home after a hard session and apply it to the sore parts of your body and the pain and soreness just go away is amazing. It really has made a huge difference in this camp. So everybody go checkout Veteran Grown and give their products a try.

Any final words or shout outs?

Love me or hate me I will always entertain! All he has to do is show up. I’m gonna show out! It may come off as cocky but I’m just confident. October 20th when I put my hands on him he will go to sleep!

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