Former UFC light heavyweight champ Jon Jones just can’t seem to keep himself off social media or Daniel Cormier’s name out of his mouth when he’s on there. Ever since Jon defeated DC via KO back in July of 2017, “Bones” has been reminding him that he did so. Jon was even stripped of the title after wards for a USADA violation but much like Rick James….WRONG…WRONG…that’s Jon Jones man. He’s going to not give a damn and keep coming after you in any way shape or form.

Since then we got to see Daniel Cormier defend the belt which was never officially taken off of him due to the violation and capture the heavyweight belt shortly after to become the “champ champ”. Holding two belts at the same time in the UFC is a feat that must be respected and treated as a truly special moment. WRONG. He’s Jon Hones man.

Jones has done everything in his power to discredit Cormier’s accomplishments and turned up the heat when DC was put in to the GOAT talk. Jon was previously in the thick of it right alongside the likes of GSP, Demetrious Johnson, Fedor Emelianenko, and Anderson Silva. Is it really a surprise though that JJ would not have any of that talk about Daniel being in the same group? He has beaten the “champ champ” twice technically even though the KO win was ruled a no contest.

Don’t believe us about his attacks? Check out this post from Jon on Instagram in reference to a screenshot Cormier posted from his phone with a missed call from USADA. That is relevant because Jon received a 15 month suspension negotiated down from the 4 years he was initially given. He got that reduction reportedly for what essentially amounts to snitching. DC claims the calls from USADA have picked up because Jon is telling them they need to look in to him, basically. Who knows at this point. Here’s the post in question from JJ:

You mad, Bro? USADA keeps calling but you’re not going to pick up the phone because the second you hear them say I’m innocent is the instant the illusion you’ve created shatters. Then it’s all real AGAIN and that’s not a step you’re willing to take. Instead you wrap yourself in your fake belt and keep telling yourself the shin that slammed into your face and the performance that buried you once again was enhanced. The fact you can’t beat me kills you and it stops you from picking up that phone. If you answer it then the nightmare becomes reality. Then again, maybe you do pick up, accept the truth that you were defeated by a superior fighter and that gives you peace. Or it goes another way and you get motivated to try a third time and that will save me the hassle of having to dig you up before I bury you. So now that the illusion you’ve built is crumbling and the “violation was not intended nor could it have enhanced the athlete’s performance” you still have to tell yourself something yeah? And while there was “absolutely no intention to use prohibited substances,” it was my intention to kick your ass once again. Mission accomplished. Pick up the phone #letstalkaboutit


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