Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and professional wrestling are popular sports globally. They have several similarities. However, each sport has distinct rules. For example, it is tricky for a WWE wrestler to shift to MMA. Regular punters who participate in betting on MMA often get discounts when they win huge payouts. Ronda Rousey is among the few MMA fighters who joined WWE. In this post, we discuss the differences between MMA and WWE.

Ronda Rousey’ Fighting Career

Ronda has been an MMA fighter for many years. She joined WWE as a full-time wrestler in December 2018 after signing a one-year contract. WWE comprises spectacle and showmanship while MMA has little fanfare, according to Ronda. She believes that mixed martial arts has more mental strain than WWE. Ronda is a former women’s UFC bantamweight champion.

Differences Between MMA and WWE

  1. Props

Many wrestling fans like watching fighters using their legs and arms. Some of them prefer matches which involve the use of weapons such as hockey sticks and chairs. In some instances, fighters are allowed to pick an assortment of weapons. In WWE, a wrestler can hit their opponent with any weapon. For example, you can fold a metal chair and use it for self-defense. In some fights, underdog fighters beat defending champions with their belts. Nevertheless, in MMA, fighters need to sprinkle weapons such as lamps and wrenches in the octagon.

  1. Substandard Referees

Fighters need to cut corners in WWE. In MMA, it is illegal for a fighter to do so since the referees are quite observant. Also, it is illegal to bit your opponent’s crotch or to hit their eyes in mixed martial arts. However, WWE referees aren’t too strict. It allows wrestlers to be more creative to use different fighting techniques to win matches.

  1. Gimmick Matches

Standard MMA fights are held in the octagon. The venue is normally boring at times. WWE matches are often held in rings. However, WWE transforms them to have a different look depending on the type of match. For example, a cage match might appear different from a Royal Rumble match. The octagon lacks a roof although it resembles a traditional cage. It allows some fighters to abscond their matches.

MMA strains fighters more than WWE. Most professional mixed martial artists practice consistently to keep fit and to improve their flexibility. Usually, MMA fighters prepare for their matches longer that WWE fighters. Nevertheless, you might take several months to get a well-paying MMA fight. Ronda Rousey recently reveals that she intends to focus on starting a family with her husband, Travis Browne.

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