Hello world or at least to the world that has the NBC Network. World Series of Fighting debuts on the big network today as Nick Newell looks to add another title to his collection but faces one of the best lightweights in the business in Justin Gaethje. Melvin Guillard will try to impress Ray Sefo and company in his promotional debut. Jon Fitch and Dennis Hallman will also battle it out ont he four fight main card.

We have your results and play by play right here so stay locked in.

Preliminary Results

  • Jake Heun def. Kendrick Miree via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
  • Neiman Gracie def. Dustin Holyko via submission (rear-naked choke) at 2:21 of R2
  • Jose Caceres def. Walber Brito de Barros via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
  • Muhamed Dereese def. Rashaun Spencer via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Main Card 

  • Cody Bollinger def.Pablo Alfonso by Submission (RNC) at 2:37 Round 1
  • Melvin Guillard def. JZ Cavalcante by TKO (Strikes) at 2:36 Round 2
  • Jon Fitch def. Dennis Hallman by Unanimous Decision
  • Justin Gaethje def. Nick Newell by (T)KO at 3:09 Round 2

Play by Play

JZ Calvalcante vs. Melvin Guillard

Round 1: Here we go on NBC! Touch gloves and JZ throws a kick but falls down. He’s back up . Guillard throws, JZ counters but both off the mark. Front kick from Guillard. Guillard lands a left hand that pushes JZ back. JZ lands a leg kick. A quick exchange leaves Guillard holding his cup. Guillard taps the ref and says he’s ready to go.  Guillard misses a huge uppercut.Body kick by Guillard and follows up with a clinch and some knees. Fighters back in the middle of the cage. Head kick by JZ but it was checked. Guillard throws a combo but can’t seem to get anything to connect. Leg kick from Melvin. Guillard pushing the pace but no damage to either man so far. Left hand connects from Guillard. JZ off the mark. Wow, last 10 seconds have more action than the rest of the fight. Both men go after each other but the bell sounds.  PMN scores the round 10-9 Guillard.

Round 2: Guillard lands a shot but has his hands down. JZ misses with a big kick. Cavalcante gets Guillard down with his back against the cage. Guillard gets to his feet. JZ goes for a double leg but lets it go. He lands a knee to the bread basket of Guillard. JZ has Melvin pressed against the fence. He goes for another double leg. Guillard gets out and goes to the middle of the cage. Guillard lands a shot and starts to get after the dazed JZ. Short elbow from Guillard followed up by a knee. The referee stops the fight??!? Umm, ok then.


Show love to the master. @ZProphet_MMA

Official Result: Melvin Guillard def. JZ Cavalcante by TKO (Strikes) at 2:36 Round 2

Cody Bollinger vs. Pablo Alfonso

Round 1: Touch gloves and here we go. Bollinger kicks but is off the mark. Bollinger stalking down Alfonso. A wild exchange before Bollinger gets Alfonso down. Alfonso looking for a triangle maybe. Alfonso active off his back. Bollinger muscles up Alfonso up and slams him down. Bollinger in side control landing big knees to the body. Bollinger to a guillotine but Alfonso pops out. Bollinger has the back of Alfonso. Bollinger gets the rear naked choke and it is all over!



Official Decision: Cody Bollinger def.Pablo Alfonso by Submission (RNC) at 2:37 Round 1

Jon Fitch vs. Dennis Hallman

Round 1: Touch of gloves and Hallman throws a kick. Lands a leg kick. Overhand right lands from Fitch. Clich from Fitch and has a single leg. Hallman powers away from the cage. Leg kick drops Fitch. Hallman on his back. Hallman looking for a triangle early but nothing doing. Fitch landing some body shots. Fitch working the ribs of Hallman with his left hand. Hallman rolls looking for an armbar but Fitch escapes. Fitch just grinding on Hallman. Fitch lands a couple shots from the top. Hallman tries for a leg lock or knee bar of some kind. Fitch unloading on Hallman. Fitch drops some elbows before the round ends. PMN scores it 10-9 for Fitch.

Round 2: Fitch lands a right hand and slams Hallman to the ground. Fitch lands some strikes as the fight stays on the mat for the first couple of minutes. Fitch landing short elbows. Hallman has no where to go. A graphic shows 82 ground shots thrown by Fitch. Fitch stands up and lands more punches. Hallman goes for a heel hook. Fitch defending and escapes. Elbows open up a cut on Hallman. Fitch dominates the entire round. PMN sees it 10-9 Fitch and 20-18 after two.

Round 3: Fitch starts with a kick and lands a couple short left hands. Fitch drops Hallman and lands big shots. Fitch not stopping and Hallman looks spent. Fitch peppering Hallman with unanswered shots. Three minutes in and it has been all Fitch from top position landing punches. Fitch has landed probably 3,294 shots it seems. Hallman just lays there. Round ends and if there was ever a 10-8 round, that was it.

Official Decision: Jon Fitch def. Dennis Hallman by Unanimous Decision

Nick Newell vs. Justin Gaethje(C)

WSOF Lightweight Title Fight

Round 1: Intense staredown. Touch gloves. Kick from Gaethje. Newell swings big and misses. Newell lands a shot. Gaethje answeres with a kick. Newell connects with a big combination. Newell down but right back up. Right hook from Newell. Newell tries a single leg but can’t get it. Newell goes for an uppercut and connects. Kick from Newell. Body shot from Gaethje. Newell tries for a takedown but Gaethje sprawls out. Nick holds on to the single leg. Newell still looking for a takedown. Gaethje lands a right and rocks Newell. Newell trying to get a takedown again. Gaethje backs off and lands a big right hand. Gaethje lands another shot and goes for a takedown. Gaethje lets Newell up. Gaethje working over Newell on the ground with shots. Big knee to the body by Justin. Newell tries a heel hook but not working out for him. Gaethje gets out. Round ends with a big left from Gaethje. PMN sees round 1 10-9 for Gaethje.

Round 2: Newell bleeding from the head to start the round. Big left lands from Gaethje and starts a big assault. Lands a couple shots before he gets up. Gaethje lands a big shot to the body. Newell slow to get up. Justin stalks Newell around the cage. Big uppercut from Gaethje. Right hand from Justin and another. Gaethje takes a deep breath and Newell shoots in for a takedown. Gaethje lands some shots. Referee stops the fight and calls for the doctor. Nick is losing a lot of blood. The fight continues. Right hand again from Justin. Follows it up with a high kick. A big right hand knocks out Nick Newell.


Official Result: Justin Gaethje def. Nick Newell by (T)KO at 3:09 Round 2

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