Well here I go again, the road to another fight. This time it’s a clear road with an honorable opponent. Sally Krumdiack and I will be the co-main event, July 14, at the Emerald Queen Casino in Fife, Wash., for CageSport MMA and Halquist Productions.

Here is a little article about it. Sally and I are both coming off losses, we are hungry and going to put on a fantastic show!  Sally is an Everett, Wash., native, and I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. We will be filling the stands and bringing a show for the fans!

I have yet to be finished in my entire MMA career thus far, and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon.  I’m going in for the finish, and I will get it.

I am looking for sponsors, if you are interested please contact me.  My last two bouts I have not performed to my fullest potential, and for that, I am sorry.  I know this, I have stepped back and re-evaluated myself and what I need to do.

I want to thank my true supporters for being there during the ups and downs of my career, you all are amazing! I am training harder than ever, using my NEW Elevation Training Mask 2.0, you can check out my review of the 2.0 here.

I have a special thanks to my main training partner Ryan Ferguson, I call him Ferg.  Hey man, I appreciate you showing up even when you don’t want to, working hard, because our work hurts, and being a good friend everyday (even after beating each other’s butts).

This is going to be another busy training camp because my step daughter Brooklyn is here for a few weeks.  Since it’s summertime there are more kids coming to the gym with their parents, so more friends to occupy Brookie.  Our good friends Clint and Katie Hull, the owners of Alternative Athletics Crossfit have their lil lady Gwennie at the gym a lot, so they have become friends. It was also Gwen’s B-day party on Saturday, perfect timing, since we have B.

Nice weather for squirt guns, pinata, sprinklers, build your own cupcake and lots of playing.  The kiddos  played and all of the parents were from the gym; what a fun time hanging out with great folks on a beautiful Montana day.

I made some whole wheat calzones that turned out great; full of leftovers, London Broil, ham, pepperoni, onion, jalapenos, and bell pepper.  I did this while on the phone with Cole Vick and Johnnie Hartwell with The Friday Night Food Fight talking about my career. Thanks so much guys for having me on.

Back to these calzones, I wrapped them individually and froze them for quick healthy meals for the kids or Jason on the go or at the gym.

Winding down on Dad’s Day, relaxing, and cooking some delicious goodies. Right now as I type this up, the guys are playing video games.  Happy Dad’s Day to all of you dads out there, hope you enjoyed your day.  I want to say thanks to my hubbs for being there for Mark; he has grown up to be a respectable lil’ man.  Thanks for your amazing help with him and being my best friend.

Sunday, full of regular life…laundry, family time, and the gym.  I am ready to kill it in the gym this week, working hard toward my fight.

I want to shout out to my gym Alternative Athletics Crossfit and 4th Ave. Dojo, this is truly the best place on earth!  A big thanks to Jack Bratcher and Denny Hodge with ProMMAnow.com for all of your support! Thanks to my fans, family and my awesome sponsors ~ Polanti Watches ~ Nutrabio.com ~ Super Body Care ~ Damage Control Mouthguards ~ A.C.E.S. ~ Solo Graphics for my banner!

Super Body Care 20%off code is: REDPOWER20

Please be sure to check out my website www.patriciavidonic.com; my signature shirts for men and women are ready to be ordered!

You can also follow me on Twitter @LilPatriciamma and on Facebook.

XOXO Little Patricia
~ Red Power ~

“Little” Patricia Vidonic chronicled her journey to winning the Beatdown MMA women’s 110-pound title in her “Road to the Championship Blog”. Now that Patricia has achieved that goal, readers can follow “The Vidonic Chronicles” each week as she continues her journey toward becoming the top 110 and 115-pound female MMA fighter in the world.

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