Okay, so we are finally on the final episode of The Ultimate Fighter where they have the last two semi-final match-ups. The episode starts off with lil’ John Dodson vs Johnny Bedford and talks about the two teammates training on the same team next to each other.

It really didn’t feel that awkward to the rest of the team because Bedford, Dennis Bermudez and Dustin Pague kind of kept to themselves while training and Dodson never really liked to train anyways and never gave it his all during practice either because he didn’t wanna show off his skills or maybe cause he is lazy. Either way, it works for him.

In this fight Dodson landed a straight left to put Bedford out and hammer-fisted him until he was completely out cold. I felt bad for Bedford when they asked him where he was and he said “Ohio”.

After that fight they go straight to talking about Diego Brandao fighting Bryan Caraway. We all knew how powerful Diego is and how both skilled Diego and Caraway are on the ground but I think everyone felt Diego had the edge just because Caraway’s head didn’t ever seem right.

Before they showed the fight it showed the last night that we spent inside the house where we played beer pong and just screwed around where it ended up getting the house trashed with “Taz” (Josh Ferguson) getting hammered drunk and breaking stuff.

The fight actually lasted longer than I thought it would. Caraway had a good game plan of closing the distance, but in the end got caught and eventually TKO’d. We then find out the finals match-ups will be Diego Brandao vs. Dennis Bermudez and John Dodson vs. T.J. Dillashaw this Saturday at The Ultimate Fighter 14 Finale.

I want to give thanks to MMAHQ (www.mmahq.com) for their support and great fight gear and everyone who has kept up with my weekly blog.

“Super” Steven Siler’s TUF 14 blog will be posted exclusively on ProMMAnow.com (www.prommanow.com) following each Wednesday night episode of “The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller” on Spike TV. Fans can follow Steven on Twitter @SteveSiler and on his Facebook page.

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