KANSAS CITY-Titan Fighting Championship 20: Rogers vs. Sanchez takes place tonight at the Memorial Hall in Kansas City, Kansas. ProMMANow(www.prommanow.com) will provide LIVE results and play-by-play commentary during the fights.
Headlining the card will be a lightweight matchup between heavy handed Strikeforce veteran Brett Rogers as he takes on UFC veteran Eddie Sanchez.
The action kicks off at 10p.m. ET on HDNet. Keep refreshing your browser for updates.
Titan Fighting Championship 20 Quick Results:
- Andrew Whitney defeats Laramie Schaffer via KO at 0 :21 of Rd. 3
- Justyn Riley defeats Alex Huddleston via TKO(ref stoppage) in Round 2
- James Krause defeats Sean Wilson via submission(guillotine choke) at 2:39 of Round 1
- Anthony Guiterrez defeats Shane Hutchinson via D’arce choke(submission) at 1:05 of Round 1.
- Eddie Sanchez defeats Brett Rogers via split decision (30-27 Sanchez, 29-28 Rogers, 30-27 Sanchez)
- Dekota Cochrane defeats Jamie Varner via unanimous decision(30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Titan Fighting Championship 20 play-by-play:
Andrew Whitney vs. Laramie Shaffer
Round 1-The fight begins with a touch of gloves. Schaffer with two jabs and initiates a clinch against the fence. Whitney defends and lands a nice short knee to the body. Whitney with a leg kick, feints a takedown and lands a leg hook. Whitney with a headkick lands and rocks Schaffer. Schaffer is hurt and Whitney pounces but can’t finish. Schaffer is still hurt and Whitney lands a couple of shots. Whitney swinging wildly with the left hook and misses. Schaffer with a nice single leg takedown. Whitney looking for a guillotine choke but Schaffer easily defends. Schaffer with a couple of shots from halfguard position. Schaffer with some body punches as Whitney seems to be looking for a kimura from the bottom. Schaffer working body head combinations in top position now. Schaffer lands some heavy punches to the head and Whitney gives up his back. Schaffer takes his back with one hook in and lands some punches as the bell sounds.
Round 2-Whitney with a left hook. Schaffer with a takedown attempt but Whitney defends and winds up taking Schaffer down and lands in halfguard. Schaffer is bleeding from the nose. Whitney takes Schaffer’s back in a scramble but Schaffer manages to get top position. Schaffer in north/south position now. Schaffer with short elbows and Whitney gives up his back and Schaffer has one hook in now. Schaffer with some nice punches to side of Whitney’s head. Whitney gets halfguard against the cage. Whitney gets back to his feet and they trade punches. Schaffer shoots for a takedown but Whitney sprawls. Whitney with a guillotine attempt but winds up with Schaffer taking his back with one hook in and landing hammerfists. More punches from Schaffer as both guys look winded now. Schaffer lands a few more punches as the bell sounds.
Round 3-Schaffer with a wild 1-2 that misses. Whitney with a HUGE FLYING KNEE and Schaffer is out cold. Whitney stands over Schaffer and then lands one more punch before the referee stops the fight.
Andrew Whitney defeats Laramie Schaffer via KO at 0 :21 of Rd. 3
Justyn Riley vs. Alex Huddleston
Round 1-The fight begins and they touch gloves. Both guys pawing with a jab. Riley wit a leg kick. Huddleston with a right hand and they clinch against the cage. Huddleston with two big body shots. Huddleston with a big uppercut and Riley is in trouble. Riley goes down and Huddleston follows. Riley trying to get back to his feet and he gets up and lands a nice right hand. Riley jumps to guard for a guillotine but misses. They get back to their feet and trade wildly. Huddleston with a leg kick and then they clinch. Huddleston with uppercuts and Riley returns the favor. Huddleston tags him again. Riley shoots for a takedown and Huddleston goes for a choke but then decides to mount Riley. Huddleston with punches and then goes for an armbar but Riley is defending. Riley with a heavy shot from the top position after Huddleston let the armbar go. He pins Huddleston’s arm and lands some big punches. Huddleston goes for a Kimura but he didn’t have control of Riley’s body with his legs and Riley gets out. Riley mounts Huddleston briefly. Riley with punches and a nice elbow as the bell sounds. Action packed round.
Round 2-Riley with a big right hand that rocks Huddleston. Riley with a leg kick and a big right that grazes Huddleston. Huddleston is on the ground now and Riley follows into side control. Riley with elbows to the body, mounts Huddleston and Huddleston reverses and now has Riley’s back. Now Riley reverses and lands shots to the body while in Huddleston’s full guard. Huddleston working a kimura attempt but lets it go. Riley with three big elbows and another.Riley postures up and lands a couple hammerfists as Huddleston went for an armbar. Riley with nice body shots now. Huddleston threw up a triangle attempt but Riley keeps the pressure and lands more punches. Riley mounts Huddleston and Huddleston gives up his back. Riley with punches to the side of Huddleston’s head. Riley with huge elbows to the ear. More elbows and a huge right hand. Riley with more hammerfists and he is punishing Huddleston and the referee comes in to save him.
Justyn Riley defeats Alex Huddleston via TKO(ref stoppage) in Round 2
James Krause vs. Sean Wilson
Round 1-The fight begins and they touch gloves. Krause with a jab and another. Krause with a big right and Wilson ducks under. Wilson with a wild overhand right. Krause with a front kick that glances. Krause misses a headkick. Krause with kick that lands and Wilson answers with a right hand. Krause with a jab and Wilson lunges forward and misses badly. Krause with a takedown and lands in Wilson’s halfguard. Wilson explodes up for a single leg takedown and Krause quickly locks in a guillotine choke and Wilson is forced to tap.
James Krause defeats Sean Wilson via submission(guillotine choke) at 2:39 of Round 1
Shane Hutchinson vs. Anthony Guiterrez
Round 1-Guiterrez with a leg kick and another and another. Guitterrez with a right hand and another kick and another. Guiterrez defends a takedown and then throws Hutchinson. Guiterrez locks in a D’arce choke and Hutchinson is forced to quickly tap.
Anthony Guiterrez defeats Shane Hutchinson via D’arce choke(submission) at 1:05 of Round 1.
Brett Rogers vs. Eddie Sanchez
Round 1-The fight begins and Sanchez with a leg kick. Rogers lands a glancing right hand and they clinch against the cage. Rogers with some dirty boxing in the clinch and backs away. Sanchez with another leg kick. Rogers feints the jab and takes another leg kick from Sanchez. Sanchez comes forward with punches but nothing lands and Rogers puts Sanchez against the cage. Rogers backs away. Sanchez with a leg kick. Sanchez with another. Rogers comes forward with punches and lands forcing Sanchez backwards. They clinch against the cage with both guys throwing body shots. Rogers with short knees to the thigh. Sanchez with a inside leg kick. They clinch and Rogers with a couple of knees that land as he pushes Sanchez backwards against the cage and then backs away at the ten second mark. Bell sounds.
Round 2-Rogers pumps a jab and misses and Sanchez lands a leg kick. Nice body shot from Sanchez. Rogers clinches and puts Sanchez against the cage. Rogers working short knees to the thigh. Sanchez with a short elbow from the clinch. Rogers backs away. Sanchez with nice 3 punch combo and finishes it with a leg kick. They clinch and Rogers puts Sanchez agaisnt the cage again. They trade body shots.Sanchez with a nice trip and takes Rogers down landing in halfguard position. They scramble and Rogers gets back to his feet but eat a right hand on the way up. Rogers puts Sanchez back against the cage but Sanchez reverses and puts him on the cage now. Nice knee from Rogers. Sanchez answers with a right hand and then a leg kick. Sanchez pawing with the jab. Leg kick again from Sanchez. Sanchez is stalking Rogers now and lands another leg kick.
Round 3-Rogers with a inside leg kick. Rogers pumps the jab and Sanchez with a left hook and a body kick. They clinch and Rogers barely misses a nice knee. Leg kick from Sanchez. They clinch and Rogers with a light knee to the body and puts Sanchez against the cage. Sanchez going for a takedown and Rogers defends. Nice knee to the body from Sanchez and another. Rogers just leaning on Sanchez doing nothing here. Sanchez with a leg kick after eating a jab. Rogers is tired just put his hands on his hips. Rogers with a right hand. Rogers explodes and takes Sanchez down. Rogers with several punches to the head of Sanchez. Rogers ends in top position as the bell sounds.
Eddie Sanchez defeats Brett Rogers via split decision (30-27 Sanchez, 29-28 Rogers, 30-27 Sanchez)
Dakota Cochrane vs. Jamie Varner
Round 1-The fight begins and they touch gloves. Cochrane with a nice right hand. Cochrane with a front kick that sends Varner back about 6 feet. Varner on the defensive so far. Varner with a body shot. Cochran with a right hand. Cochrane with a body kick and punch. Cochran with a left hook and glancing right. Varner seems out of rhythm. Cochrane with a body kick. Varner with a leg kick and again. Cochrane with a left hook. Varner throws a wild body shot that misses. Varner with a leg kick and then a body kick. Cochrane with a left hook and a front kick. Cochrane with a left hook and a leg kick. Cochran styling on Varner. Varner clinches and drops for a double leg and gets it..big slam by Varner. Cochrane back to his feet. Varner with nice knee. Varner with another takedown and now mounts Cochrane. Varner with shots to the head and three solid elbows before the bell sounds.
Round 2-They touch gloves and Varner with a nice jab and glancing right hand. Cochrane with a front kick and Varner drops for a single leg and Cochrane sprawls. Cochran with a nice knee and Varner with a right hand. Varner shoots for a single leg and then switches to a double. Back up to their feet and Cochran with a right hand. Varner with a right hand and then shoots for a takedown and Cochran defends. Cochrane with hammerfists and they are back up to their feet. Cochrane with a body shot and a headkick. Cochrane with a body kick and Varner shoots for a takedown. Varner on Cochrane’s back with one hook in. Varner slides off and Cochrane in Varner’s halfguard. Cochrane with short elbows. Varner goes for a kneebar but Cochrane spins and lands a solid hammerfist forcing Varner to let go. Back up to their feet. Jab from Cochrane. Varner looks tired and swings wildly. Varner with a solid left hook. Cochrane with a flying knee but misses. Varner with a glancing body kick as the bell sounds.
Round 3-Cochrane with a jab and counters a Varner punch with a right hand. Cochrane with front kick. Cochrane with a headkick that snaps Varner’s head back. Jab from Cochrane. Varner shoots for a takedown and gets it. Varner passes to halfguard. Varner with punches. Varner looking to pass. Varner with a solid right hand to the head. Cochrane reverses Varner and lands a solid elbow in Varner’s open guard. Elbow from Cochrane knocks Varner’s mouthpiece out. Another elbow from Cochrane. Varner going for an inverted armbar but it’s not there. Varner is desperately looking to get to his feet and he does with 35 seconds. Varner goes for a flying triangle and almost got it. Cochrane with punches and a short elbow as the bell sounded. Great performance from Cochrane.
Dekota Cochrane defeats Jamie Varner via unanimous decision(30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Didn’t Varner say he shouldn’t be fighting if he loses this fight?
I believe he said he doesn’t deserve to be a fulltime fighter if he loses. I would agree with that, he didn’t show me much other than trying to land overhand rights repeatedly that missed.
He reportedly announced his retirement..Varner that is.