Dana White (left) talks with Fanhouse reporter Ariel Helwani following UFC 121 in Anaheim Saturday night. Photo by Fanhouse

Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez

Fanhouse reporter Ariel Helwani is back with his obligatory post-UFC eventĀ Dana White interview that we have all come to expect and enjoy. White starts off by commenting on the new UFC heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez, his performance and how Velasquez’s coaches had told White early on that this was a very special heavyweight.

Helwani questions if Lesnar just needs to evolve his game because, “…he comes in like a bull, bum-rushing guys, and it doesn’t seem to work all that well lately.” White quickly denounces that statement, saying it does work and points out that Velasquez said after the fight that Lesnar took him out of his game momentarily by his quick start.

Prior to UFC 121 Lesnar had commented that he wanted to take some time off after this fight for some much needed R&R after what has been a very eventful and challenging year that involved two title fights and a bout with death. White still thinks he may take a little time off to do some hunting and relaxation, but feels the competitor in Lesnar will make him want to get back in the gym faster than first anticipated.

Brock Lesnar going back to pro wrestling?

Helwani questions White about rumors of the WWE trying to put a match together between Lesnar and “The Undertaker” at Wrestlemania, points out the bizarre exchange that took place between the two following Lesnar’s UFC 121 loss, and asks White if he is aware of any of this and if he has heard anything about Lesnar wanting to go back to pro wrestling. White was unaware of any of it and doubts that Lesnar has any intentions of returning to the fake stuff.

Helwani questions White about something he alluded to at the press conference, that he and Lesnar have been “fighting” lately. White says he and Lesnar “butt heads” on a lot of things. He does not feel it is something they can not work out, but just says, “we tend to battle on things.” White does not go into specifics on the matter.

White also discusses Cain Velasquez being the first Mexican heavyweight champion in boxing or MMA and says it will be interesting to see just what sort of impact it has on opening up the sport to the Hispanic community.

Jake Shields vs. Martin Kampmann

When questioned about the debut of former Strikeforce champ Jake Shields and how some fans were less than impressed, White says, “How could you not be impressed with Jake Shields’ performance?” He feels Martin Kampmann will be the one regretting his performance and not letting his hands go more. White does confirm Shields will have the next shot at the welterweight title, currently held by Georges St-Pierre, but will go to the winner of GSP vs. Josh Koscheck following this season of The Ultimate Fighter.

Tito Ortiz vs. Matt Hamill

White would not come out directly and say that Tito Ortiz‘s days in the UFC are over. He reminds us that prior to UFC 121 he had said this fight will tell us if Ortiz is still relevant in the UFC 205-pound division. “And is he?” says Helwani. “Did he win tonight?” questions White with a raised eybrow.

“Tito didn’t look horrible,” says White. But the fact remains he has lost four fights in a row and has not scored a victory since defeating Ken Shamrock in 2006. Yes, he is popular. Yes, he can still sell tickets. Just not in the UFC any longer.

Diego Sanchez vs. Paulo Thiago

“I love Diego Sanchez at 170 lbs.,” White says. Prior to Saturday night Sanchez had talked about returning to teh 155-pound division. However, after such an impressive showing against a very tough talent like Paulo Thiago, maybe “The Nightmare” will rethink his plans. Evidently his boss wants him at welterweight but did say at the presser that ultimately it is up to Sanchez and his camp. Sanchez said at the presser that he will fight at the weight class his coaches tell him to.

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