This Saturday, June 13, 2009, UFC veteran Spencer “The King” Fisher (22-4) will face MMA legend Caol Uno (25-11-4) as the UFC makes mixed martial arts history by holding their first ever event in Germany with “UFC 99: The Comeback.”

PRO MMA ( recently had the privilege of speaking with Spencer about fighting at historic UFC 99 and how he feels he matches up against Uno who is making his return to the Octagon after a six year absence.

Spencer talked about his most recent fight with Shannon Gugerty at UFC 90, gave his opinion and prediction on several high profile fights and fighters, and also shared his thoughts about a certain Cole Miller who recently called out the winner of the Uno vs. Fisher fight. — For your convenience, we have provided the interview in both audio and typed format.

SPENCER FISHER interview (audio):

PRO MMA: Tim Thompson from PRO MMA ( here with Spencer “The King” Fisher, Spencer how are you?
SPENCER FISHER: Good, thank you.

PRO MMA: Good, now your last fight was in October. It was in Chicago, Illinois and it was against Shannon Gugerty and it was a great fight, explain how that fight went down for me.
SPENCER FISHER: Shannon was a young hungry kid coming in to this fight. I took this fight, Guillard had some problems and wasn’t able to fight, so Gugerty stepped in to take the fight, which I give him credit for. He came out, he came prepared to fight me. First round I thought I had him knocked out and I let off him a little bit, cut him open with a pretty nasty gash over his eye. He came back strong and hungry the second round and kicked me with a great kick and actually stunned me pretty good, but I fared too much for him. I finished him with a triangle choke, which is my ideal way to finish a black belt or brown belt in jiu jitsu which is perfect for me to get a win like that.

PRO MMA: Now I was actually at that fight and the crowd was electric when you came in, it was probably one of the most exciting fights of the night. Why do you think it is the fans get behind you so much?
SPENCER FISHER: Because every body knows when I go out there your going to get your money’s worth when I fight, at least that’s the impression I try to leave on people. Ya know win or lose, I am coming out there not just to win but I fight to fight. I think I am a fighters fighter and I think people appreciate that.

PRO MMA: Now your next fight is coming up in Germany on June 13th, how is camp going for this fight?
SPENCER FISHER: Great, as any camp I have ever had there are always injuries going into a fight, but I feel great I feel as though I am 100% this time and I am going to go out there and going to try and knock Caol Uno out.

PRO MMA: Now he was back in the UFC a few years ago and he left now he is back, a veteran who likes to finish most of his fights by submission. How do you see the fight going?
SPENCER FISHER: Well I imagine he is going to try to do the same to me as I do to him and I am going to try and keep it to my strengths. He is a gamer, he comes to fight, I think he is going to try and stick to his strong points, but once I hit him a few times I think he is going to start diving for my shoe laces and try to put me on my back and grind out a decision. I don’t see him submitting me. I am in great shape right now and I am going to try and push the pace and he is going to come out there and try to do the same thing. He is a gamer and he comes out in great shape. Here he comes back in the UFC and tries to reestablish himself as a top 155lb fighter out there, but I am no easy fight for anybody and I am trying to win this fight 100%.

PRO MMA: The fight is taking place in Germany and different fighters have different opinions about fighting in other countries. Sometimes the food is a little bit different when you are trying to cut down in weight and what not. How do you feel about fighting in Germany?
SPENCER FISHER: Well I’ll tell you after it’s done. No, I enjoy fighting in the states. Ya know I like to eat too, so I like American food. Going over there my biggest thing is I don’t know about the German food. I enjoy eating here in the states, so being over there that is my only complaint and the time difference of course.

PRO MMA: Now your friend and training partner Jens Pulver is going to fight Josh Grispi this Sunday at WEC 41. Jens has lost his last few fights and he has gone up against nothing but top notch competition. Do you see Jens winning this fight and trying to get back in the title picture? Or how is Jens doing?
SPENCER FISHER: Jens is doing great and whatever Jens decides to do at this point in his career, and I think he is going to change things up. Everyone knows that Jens can bang it out with anyone, but I think this time we might see something different. Ya know it’s a fight and anything can happen, but I think Jens wins this fight anyway he wants to really.

PRO MMA: Now Matt Hughes is another one of your friends and training partners who is still fresh off his win against Matt Serra. Now his contract is actually up with the UFC. What do you see him doing? Do you see him staying with the UFC trying to go on another title run himself or do you see him going  somewhere else?
SPENCER FISHER: Well I think Matt made his home in the UFC and he is recognized anywhere as one of the best fighters in the world. I think he will probably want to stay in the UFC and try to finish out his career there.

PRO MMA: The other big fight this weekend, on Sunday, two guys who are just below you in weight Urijah Faber against Mike Brown, should be a great fight. Who do you see winning that match?
SPENCER FISHER: Mike Brown. I think he has shown, I think he is just a dominate fighter at the 145lb weight class. The match up I am interested in seeing is Jose Aldo down the road for most guys. I think he is an up and comer that is really exciting and I think he brings a lot of other elements to the game that a lot of people haven’t seen yet.

PRO MMA: Just over a month here at UFC 100, Thiago Alves, the man you beat, the only man to beat Thiago Alves, he will be taking on Georges St. Pierre for the Welterweight belt. Who do you see taking that fight?
SPENCER FISHER: I don’t know. A lot of people question GSP’s mentality when he comes into a fight, but I think he is just as strong as anyone else out there and he has shown that he is a true athlete and a true fighter and he adapts to situations. On the flip side Thiago has been running through people. So is the momentum in his favor? I don’t know we’ll see, but I think that that is a toss up as well.

PRO MMA: You go into Germany next weekend and you take care of business against Uno, who do you want to fight at the 155lb division?
SPENCER FISHER: No question anybody who ever calls me out, you don’t have to look far for me because I am right there. Cole Miller is a guy that called me out, he didn’t specifically say Spencer, he did say Spencer Fisher. The winner of the Uno and Spencer Fisher fight, but ya know I like that. It motivates me and I would like to punch him in the face for it, so Cole Miller would be someone I would like to fight, I don’t know if it would push me any closer in the title rankings. On the flip side of that I would really love to fight B.J. Penn. I think he is the best fighter in the world, pound for pound I think he is great. He has fought at different weight classes and been successful. I think he’s the man and he’s the guy who really gets me up for a fight. Win or lose this fight, he’s a guy I would really like to fight before I get out.

PRO MMA: Just a few quick personal questions for you. What is your favorite food when you aren’t dieting?

PRO MMA: What about your favorite movie?
SPENCER FISHER: Favorite movie is probably… it’s a toss up between Gladiator and The Crow.

PRO MMA: Final one, what do you have on your i-pod or a CD in your car that the fans out there wouldn’t expect you to be listening to?
SPENCER FISHER: Well I am a country guy through and through so uh… maybe some Merle Haggard that’s some old country. I like some Merle Haggard so maybe that’s the one they wouldn’t be expecting on my i-pod.

PRO MMA: Spencer thank you so much and we wish you nothing but the best of luck next weekend and we hope to be hearing from you real soon.
SPENCER FISHER: Real quick can I thank some of my sponsors?

PRO MMA: Sure go ahead.
SPENCER FISHER: I would like to thank Toe to Toe, thank KO Dynasty, I would like to thank the Gun Shop, and Cage Side MMA.

PRO MMA: Well once again Spencer thank you very much and like I said we wish you nothing but the best of luck. Like I said hopefully we will be talking to you after your win and maybe about punching Cole Miller in the face.
SPENCER FISHER: There you go, thank you.

PRO MMA: Thank you.
You can check out Spencer Fisher’s official website at

By: Tim Thompson

One thought on “UFC 99 Spotlight: Spencer Fisher – PRO MMA exclusive interview”
  1. Very well said. The interview is a good thing for us to know what is his thought about the fight. This way we are able to know the things about the fight.

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