dana-white-face2Former UFC fighter currently signed to ONE Championship Brandon Vera has posted what appears to be a leaked email to his Facebook page from the UFC encouraging their fighters to reject unionization attempts by the Teamsters Union and Culinary Workers Union 226. Both unions recently announced a collaborative effort to organize UFC fighters.

Companies encouraging employees to not unionize is not uncommon. But the UFC doesn’t consider their fighters employees, at least on paper.  The email reads, “Joining the Teamsters and Culinary Workers Union 226 could change everything. To begin with, the unions want to treat you like an employee, which could cause you to lose the advantages and benefits of being an independent contractor.”

Throughout the UFC emphasizes, “They could be in control, not you.”

ufc letter unions

The fighters already don’t feel like they have a collaborative voice. But there’s also a reason none of the higher paid current UFC fighters have come out in support of unionization. How would that ever benefit a Ronda Rousey?

The perception problem we currently have with the unionization efforts is because of who is involved. There are those chalking the efforts up as coming from disgruntled former employees who were no longer at the top of their game when they left the UFC. And then you have the Culinary Workers Union 226 who has a long history of trying to discredit the UFC and the sport of MMA.

When big money is involved motivations are always in question. But when fighters don’t feel like they are getting a fair shake, they are going to fight. I believe they will eventually find a way to come together as they have in other sports. I also feel the difference in being an “independent contractor” or an “employee” is a fine line. If you feel like an employee but on paper labeled as an independent contractor, then what difference does it make?

The Fertittas have managed to keep unions out of Station Casinos for a long time now so don’t underestimate their resolve. But fighters are a different breed and when people come together for a cause they believe in — that can be very powerful. Check out Brandon Vera’s response to the UFC email below.

brandon vera comments

These are all growing pains of MMA and most of us want what’s best for the athletes, but what all this is going to look like when it’s over is anyone’s guess at this point.

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