The last BluegrassMMA Live of the year! Tonight we dig into the big Apex IV card that takes place on January 10th in Blountville, TN. “Relentless” Craig Johnson will meet Adam “Primetime” Townsend to kick start the year. Both men join the show to talk about the fight. Also joining us from the card will be Angie Dugan who will check in to tell us about her fight with Christal Martin.
The second hour will feature our predictions, resolutions and more. We head into 2015 with plenty to talk about and many great events on the horizon.
Tonight’s show is sponsored by and Bangtown Fightwear. We want to take a minute here and say thank you to everyone who has tuned in and downloaded the show. We love you all.
As always, tonight’s episode of BluegrassMMA Live kicks off at 9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT) and you can listen live by going to our page on BlogTalk Radio at where you can participate in the chat room by interacting with other listeners or submit questions for our guests. Listeners can also call the show at (347) 884-9986 if you have a question or a topic you would like to discuss.
You can always catch the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or listen to it on the go by downloading the APP for Android or Apple.