The stage is set at the National Guard Armory in in Ashland, Ky., for SFC 9 “Vengeance”. Two huge pro fights and an amateur title fight headline this 11 fight card tonight in Eastern Kentucky. will be bringing you the event results as they happen and live play by play of the title and professional bouts.
SFC 9 quick results:
- Fight 1 – Jarrett Frazier defeats Michael Napier via Unanimous Decision (30, 27, 30-27, 29-28)
- Fight 2- David Toney defeats Britain Wells, 1:20 into Round 1 via TKO (Strikes)
- Fight 3- Chris Kendrick defeats Wayne Malone. 1:18 Round 1 via Rear Naked Choke
- Fight 4: Chris Brown defeats Michael Cockerham – 2:20 Round 1 via TKO (Strikes)
- Fight 5: Chris Wolf defeats David Crowe – 00:31 Round 1 via Armbar
- Fight 6: Jake Marr defeats Zack Wilds -00:12 Round 1 via Knockout
- Fight 7: Jared Walters defeats Evan Teeters – 1:07 Round 2 via Rear Naked Choke
- Fight 8 – Justin Unger defeats Chris Hale, 00:47 Round 2 via Armbar
SFC 9 play-by play:
Spartan Fighting Championship Amateur Bantamweight Title (vacant)
Joey Donahew (UNICA MMA) vs Ronnie Jordan (Vision MMA)
Round 1: Both fighters touch gloves. Jordan comes out swingnig but doesn’t connect. They circle each other and Jordan hits a leg kick. Donahew works a takedown and gets it but to no avail. Jordan pops up and both men work from the clinch. Jordan trying to throw knees but Donahew is evasive. Donahew gets another takedown and is works from the top. Not much action as Donahew is looking for a triangle but loses it as Jordan pops up. Donahew gets another takedown but can’t get much going. Donahew finishes the round on top.
Round 2: Donahew gets a quick takedown after evading an uppercut. Jordan is throwing strikes but can not connect. Both work from the clinch with a stalemate. Jordan lands 3 big knees. Jordan has inflicted some damage. After a break Jordan lands a big kick to the midsection. Donahew is bad position but evades some heavy striking Referee warns Donahew about punches to the back of the head. . Round ends as Donahew is taking strikes while on the ground.
Round 3: Jordan starts round swinging and gets a quick takedown. The break and get back up and work the clinch, Donahew laces a nice ankle lock but Jordan evades. Donahew eats some big punches as referee Terry Callihan calls the fight. Ronnie Jordan is the new Spartan Fighting Championship Bantamweight Champion.
Ronnie Jordan defeats Joey Donahew, 2:29 Round 3 via TKO (Strikes)
Pro – Donnie Wallace vs Marques Worrell
Round 1: Fighters touch gloves and come out swinging. Worrell misses a head kick and gets slammed by Wallace. Wallace working a guillotine and holds it. Worrell pops out and starts throwing strikes. Worrell takes top position.Worrell throws some sharp elbows to the body. Worrell throwing big punches from the top and controls Wallace against the cage. Worrell lets Wallace up and he immediately looks for a takedown. Wallace is working with Worrell against the cage and Worrell lands a take down. Worrell avoids some punches but gets slammed. Worrell looking for a triangle but can’t get an angle. Wallace trys to take an arm but Worrell slides out. Wallace pins Worrell against the cage but not much action as the round concludes.
Round 2: Wallace comes out firing and pushes Worrell against the cage. Wallace appears to be trying to offset the fast pace of Wallace. Wallace attempts a takedown but it is stuffed by Worrell. Worrell working a triangle but not stopping Wallace. Wallace lands a big shot from the top. Wallace gets passed and Worrell throwing wildly. Worrell takes top position and head butts the body. Wallace appears to be cut as Worrell throws heavy leather. After several unanswered blows the referee calls the fight.
Marques Worrell defeats Donnie Wallace, 3:47 Round 2 via TKO (Strikes)
Pro – Cornelius Godfrey (Ground Zero) vs Chris Wright (Joey Zonar MMA)
Round 1 – No glove touch for these guys as they start the round feeling each other out. Both guys throw strikes but none land. Godfrey lands some strikes as Wright takes him down. Godfrey is throwing strikes with his back against the cage. Wright locks in a guillotine. Wright throws some knees to the leg of Godfrey. Godfrey pops out and Wright pushes him against the cage. They stalemate with little action. Godfrey throws some body shots but Wright gets a takedown and lands on his back. Wright throws some elbows to the head. Godfrey throws some big shots from the top and gets Wright down. Wright looks for a sweep but holds postion. Godfrey ends the round with a flurry of punches.
Round 2: Godfrey throws a kick to start the round but Wright checks it. Wright gets a take down but Godfrey is throwing body shots with his back against the cage. Both fighters rise and Godfrey throws a knee. Godfrey lands several knees to the hip of Wright. Fighters lock up in the clinch. Godfrey gets away and lands a big knee to the stomach and then starts a huge assault. Godfrey locks in a rear naked choke and Wright taps out.
Cornelius Godrey defeats Chris Wright – 2:58 Round 2 via Rear Naked Choke