We are back again with another installment of The Ultimate Fighter. Unless you have been sleeping under a rock, or watching too much Jersey Shore, you would already know that the coaches are going to be UFC welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre, and number one contender Josh Koscheck.

This time around it is the lightweights that will be taking center stage. As usual, Dana White welcomes the fighters with his customary speech about wanting to see exciting fights, in addition to mixing in a traditional f-bomb here and there for good measure.

The wild card format will be followed again, which is a good thing for the show, giving a guy that may have had an off night another shot at taking the crown.

Without further ado, let’s get to the fights.

First up is Marc Stevens (12-5), who explains that he wrestled for Josh Koscheck at the University of Buffalo. He will be facing off against TJ O’Brien (14-3) who goes by the nickname of “The Spider” due to the length of his limbs.

Marc Stevens (12-5) vs. TJ O’Brien (14-3)

Round 1 – Marc Stevens comes out and starts with a leg kick, then follows up with a crushing overhand right hand that drops O’Brien right out of the gate. Stevens continues with a barrage of punches from the top and it’s all over. 13 seconds and Stevens has his ticket into the house punched. I guess Stevens isn’t “just a wrestler.”

Spencer Paige (7-2) vs. Steve Magdaleno (6-2)

Round 1 – Magdaleno starts with a kick, and Paige counters with a kick of his own. To the clinch, with Paige pushing off and going to the body with a right hand. Paige with a nice left hand, and Magdaleno counters with a kick to the head that just misses. Magdaleno with a kick to the body, then follows up with a nice right hand.

Paige with a nice right hand, Magdaleno shoots but gets stuffed. Paige lands another right hand and Magdaleno shoots again but is stopped again. Magdaleno is now on his back, with Paige in his guard. Magdaleno throws up his legs for an armbar but but Paige pulls out and has his arm free. Paige lands some big shots from the top before stepping out. Magdaleno reverses and lands some nice elbows and right hands from the top as the bell sounds on round 1. ProMMAnow.com scores Round 1 for Paige, 10-9.

Round 2 – Madgaleno starts with a kick, but Paige comes back with a big kick and a nice knee. Paige pushing the pace now scoring with big knees. Big left hand scores for Paige, and he follows up with a shot to the body. Magdaleno shoots and gets a big take down. Magdaleno on top again and is once again landing elbows. He postures and lands several right hands. Paige is trying to use the cage to get up and does.

Magdaleno tries to get the fight back down to the ground but ends up on his back, and Paige takes advantage, finishing the fight from the top position. ProMMAnow.com scores the round for Paige, 10-9, and the fight overall for Spencer Paige, 20-18.

The judges agree, and Spencer Paige advances into the Ultimate Fighter house.

Nam Phan (16-7) vs. Mike Budnik (8-4)

Round 1 – Budnik with a kick to open the fight. More kicks from Budnik, then he closes and clinches, then gets a take down on Phan. Phan is staying active from his back, and Budnik steps back. Phan is back on his feet then misses with a kick to the head. Another leg kick from Budnik, then he changes levels and shoots but is stuffed. The fight briefly hits the ground, but they are back on their feet.

Phan with the take down and is now on top. Budnik lands a nice upkick but Phan shrugs it off. Budnik creates space, sits up then drives into Phan and gets the take down.

Back to the feet again. Phan with a big left hook to the body. Budnik scores with a big kick to the body, then Phan counters with a huge left hand to the body. The liver punch drops Budnik and Phan follows up with strikes and finishes.

Welcome to the house Nam Phan by way of TKO over Mike Budnik.

Now we get the highlights of several fights:

Andy Main def. Jason Brenton by submission (armbar)
Jonathan Brookins def. Ran Weathers by unanimous decision
Sako Chivitchian def. Toby Grear by unanimous decision
Jeffrey Lentz def. Daniel Head by submission (rear naked choke)

Paul Barrow (3-0) vs. Alex Cacares (4-2)

Round 1 – Cacares opens with a front kick. Barrow shoots but gets stuffed initially but stays at it and gets a take down. Back to the feet. Barrow lands a nice right hand. Barrow with another nice right hand that sets up his shoot. To the clinch against the cage with Barrow looking to get the fight on the ground.

Cacares defending well. Barrow changes levels and Cacares jumps on him trying to get the fight to the ground himself. Cacares is on the back of Barrow now, and is looking for the rear naked choke. Just like that “Bruce Leroy” and his yellow jumpsuit is in the house.

Back to some highlights:

Michael Johnson def. Pablo Garza by unanimous decision
Aaron Wilkinson def. Michael Richman by unanimous decision
Kyle Watson def. Joseph Duffy by submission (rear naked choke)
Sevak Magakian def. JJ Ambrose by unanimous decision

Cody McKenzie (10-0) vs. Amir Khillah (6-4)

Round 1 – High kick misses by McKenzie, then he goes for the take down. Khillah reverses and is on top. Back to the feet. Khillah gets the take down, and McKenzie tries to sweep, then locks up a guillotine and puts Khillah to sleep.

Dane Sayers (7-1) vs. Ariel Sexton (6-2)

Round 1 – Sayers comes blazing out of the gates with a wild flying knee. To the clinch now with Sayers pulling Sexton off the cage and getting the slam. Sexton is back up on his feet, and is coming forward looking for his own take down. They disengage and Sexton lands some big punches. Sexton is tagging Sayers now. Sexton landing to the body, then sticks Sayers with an uppercut. Sayers gets a take down and gets the back of Sexton just before the bell sounds on Round 1.

Round 2 – Sexton comes out and lands two right hands after Sayers whiffs on his own punches. Sexton is taking it to him now. Sayers looks completely gassed. Sexton with another big right hand and a big uppercut. Sexton is working for the take down but gives up his neck.

Sayers pulls guard after locking up a guillotine and it looks like it might be over. Sexton works free, but then gives up his back. Sayers with the rear naked choke now, and Sexton doesn’t even try to defend it before tapping out. Dane Sayers advances with a RNC victory.

The house is all set now. Stay tuned here at ProMMAnow.com for continuing recaps and coverage of “The Ultimate Fighter 12: Team GSP vs. Team Koscheck.”

Pablo Garza 7-0
Nam Phan 16-7

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