The online casino industry is advancing like never before. As you may have noticed, new online casinos pop up each year. And the industry is projected to keep growing the coming years as well. With this, we see an increase in gambling sponsorship in most sports, as new companies need to reach out to potential customers to claim a piece of the market share. If we have a look at football – roughly 50% of all teams in the Premier League in the UK, the most popular football league in the world, have signed a deal with a online gambling company.

Will this trend reach the MMA is the question? MMA is growing in popularity each year as well, which makes the sport itself more interesting for sponsors. There is a couple of fighters that have a deal with an online gambling company at the moment, Mohsen Bahari for instance. However, it’s mainly sportsbook based companies and it hasn’t been booming as we can see in the major football leagues. My guess is that we will see a huge increase in online casino sponsorship the next couple of years ahead.

A niche within online casino

A niche within the casino industry is sites that rate and review online casino sites. For example, Dreamz, which basically is a casino guide to find a site that suits your preferences. So, if you’re interested to what the world of casino can offer, swing by the website and have a look! As there are hundreds of casino sites to choose from these days, make sure to check make some research before you sign up, so you get the best casino experience as possible. Basically, find a casino that can match your own preferences in terms of offers, design and feeling.

As the casino business is growing, these kinds of sites will follow as well. And perhaps we’ll see them signing deals with MMA fighters soon. Much will happen within sponsorship in MMA, that’s for sure, and my guess the trend with online gambling, both sportsbook and casino, will reach MMA and will be one of the industries that will claim major sponsorships in the future.

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