Bill Cosby is as good at avoiding answering questions directly as Floyd Mayweather is at avoiding punches.

In an interview with Linsey Davis of ABC he was asked about the alleged rape charges against him. When he started to answer with that Charlie Sheen “I’m an alien” look in his eye we knew it was going to be good. Cosby is being accused of luring women to places like his hotel rooms and drugging them to have sex with them. Check out the response he gives in the video. and tell us with a straight face he isn’t on some sort of heavy drug.

“I am prepared to tell this young person the truth about life. I’m not sure that they will come like that. I think that many of them say, well, “You’re a hypocrite. You say one thing, you say the other.” My point is, okay, listen to me carefully. I’m telling you where the road is out. I’m telling you where, as you’re driving, you’re gonna go into water, and it looks like it might only be three inches deep, but you and your car are gonna go down. Now you wanna go here? Or you wanna be concerned about who’s giving you the message?

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