Brian “The Law” Hall (10-3) is a police officer, pro MMA fighter and coach at Memphis Judo & Jiu-Jitsu. Brian has competed in such organizations as Strikeforce, XFC, Legacy FC, and has a pair of wins under the Bellator banner. I recently ran into Brian while he was coaching one of his fighters at a nearby event and it provided a great opportunity to catch up with one of Tennessee’s best ambassadors of mixed martial arts, and certainly one of the nicest.
Pro MMA Now: Thanks for talking with us Brian, what’s been going on?
[highlight]Brian Hall: For the last two years I’ve placed my gloves on the trophy case and now most days one hand holds a whistle and the other my phone. A large majority of my time is now dedicated to coaching and managing fighters.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: What’s the current status on your MMA fighting career?
[highlight]Brian Hall: Right now I’m focused on building a solid foundation of fighters so if I do decide to return I will have a group of well-rounded individuals as potential training partners that can help me achieve my goals. I will never say I retired because I’m constantly training and improving alongside some of the areas best fighters thanks to my occupation.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: I just saw you in Clarksville at the A&A Fight Time Promotions “A Night of Explosion 2” event where you were coaching Adam Denton against Will Calhoun. What were your thoughts on the fight?
[highlight]Brian Hall: I felt Adam did well and was winning until Will kicked his legs from underneath him. Will immediately took advantage of the circumstance and eagerly used it to finish the fight.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: What is your role as an officer?
[highlight]Brian Hall: My role as a Memphis police officer is to coach/mentor the youth of Memphis in hopes of preparing them to fight for a future through boxing. My ultimate goal is to have an Olympian represent Memphis once again.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: Can you talk a bit about Memphis Judo & Jiu-Jitsu and your role there?
[highlight]Brian Hall: I’m the MMA coach of all the fighters and manager for the majority of them as well.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: It looks like a great team there, who are some of the up-and-comers at Memphis Judo & Jiu-Jitsu we should be on the lookout for?
[highlight]Brian Hall: Other than our dominating professionals Jaleel Willis (8-0) and Jesse Wallace (5-1)? All of our amateur fighters are promising prospects but I believe the top 5 would be Chase Mann (4-0), Hunter Joffree (8-0), Reggie Adams (6-0), Darrius Foster (4-1), and Lorenzo Nathan (4-1). That not including my female fighters that haven’t made their debut yet. There’s definitely a lot of potential at Memphis BJJ and I certainly believe we have a bright future ahead of us.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: How hard is it to balance a pro fight career, your job as a police officer, and also a coach?
[highlight]Brian Hall: It’s all very demanding, especially time-wise. I just take the challenges as they come and do what I can do to be the best I can be at each role.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: Tell us about the World Police & Fire Games coming up in August, what types of games will you be involved in there and what is that experience like?
[highlight]Brian Hall: The 2017 World Police Fire Games is my next large-scale competition. My first time competing I participated in Greco Roman wrestling and submission wrestling in which I received silver alongside a bronze in Freestyle. It’s an extremely high priority of mine to attain gold this year. The experience of competing in something of this level is exhilarating and I feel very fortunate for the opportunity to test my skills against some of the world’s finest.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: What’s a typical day like for Brian “The Law” Hall?
[highlight]Brian Hall: I get up at 5:30 am to begin my conditioning for the day. I arrive at work at 9am where I train boxers, officers and civilians. I often get another work out through training with them, I don’t expect my pupils to do things I don’t do myself so I’m very hands-on. After that I head to Memphis BJJ and coach MMA fighters from 6:30 pm to 9pm.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: What motivates you on a daily basis?
[highlight]Brian Hall: My desire to be great at what I do! I aspire to be a positive impact to as many people as I can through fitness whether it’s boxing, MMA or simply conditioning.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: Most influential book you ever read?
[highlight]Brian Hall: I can’t say any particular book has been dramatically influential for me, possibly because my pursuit of knowledge to become better at what I do is a constant on-going process that I draw from various resources.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: What does your morning routine look like?
[highlight]Brian Hall: I begin my day with my morning cardio, then move on to weights. After that I dedicate my morning to making sure my family is prepared for their day by getting them breakfast and things of that nature.[/highlight]
Pro MMA Now: Thanks Brian, please leave us with some words of wisdom.
[highlight]Brian Hall: Something I’ve learned from being a coach and police officer is that even though it requires a lot of self sacrifice, and even heartbreak at times, there is nothing more rewarding in this world than being responsible for the betterment of someone’s life.[/highlight]
Check out Brian “The Law” Hall’s Facebook page here.