chael p sonnenAs part of Chael Sonnen’s “punishment” for failing two random pre-fight drug tests leading up to a fight against Vitor Belfort at UFC 175 — and I use the term “punishment” loosely — Sonnen has been asked to help the Nevada State Athletic Commission battle performance enhancing drug use (PEDs) and educate other fighters on its ramifications.

He is also not allowed to fight or apply for a license to fight in any other jurisdiction for a period of two years.

They found five drugs in his system that were on the banned list.

They asked Sonnen if there were any drugs in his system they didn’t find.

He said he “didn’t think so.”

Alrighty then.

Oh, and he has to pay back the costs of the tests. That’s it.

I’d say he got off pretty easy. The costs of the test will be several thousand dollars, which is practically nothing to a man who said he saved every penny the UFC ever paid him. He also owns a pizza joint in Oregon. Gangsta.

Even when Chael loses he comes out looking pretty good. He’s a slick dude. That’s why he ran for office. But he seems to lack that one thing that keeps him from getting to the top.

There may be a lesson here for all of us.


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