Hardrock MMA’s return to Elizabethtown, Ky., on Saturday, Oct. 23, sponsored by TheUncles.net, Revgear, and IrondMind, featured a massive fight card, with 22 amateur fights (two title fights) and 2 professional fights. The wireless Internet was not accessible, but Pro MMA Now kept up with the results for the whole fight card and a play-by-play for the four main fights.
Hard Rock MMA quick results:
- Bobby Puckett def. Phil Runsvold by submission (guillotine) in Round 1.
- Jeremiah Walls def. Derek Smith by submission (rear naked choke) in Round 1.
- Richard Tunstill def. Nick Embry by TKO (doctor stoppage) in Round 1.
- Bart Smith def. Jacob Rabbeth by TKO (strikes) in Round 1.
- Dustin Ratliff def. Brandon Hurst by TKO (failure to answer bell) at the end of Round 2.
- Bryce Owen def. Jordan Tedrow by Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28).
- Mark Ignacio def. Chad Sermon by TKO (strikes) in Round 1.
- Dan Muller def. DJ Mouser by KO in Round 1.
- Paul Tipton def. Jason Clack by TKO (strikes) in Round 1.
- Caleb Bagby def. Greg Richmond by TKO (strikes) in Round 1.
- Danny Kelly def. Michael Gay by submission (rear naked choke) in Round 1.
- Andy Burgess def. Ryan Cruz by TKO (strikes) in Round 1.
- Eric Burrell def. Josh Mills by TKO (strikes) in Round 1.
- Brandon Cothern def. Brandon Ress by TKO (strikes) in Round 1.
- Alvin Miller def. Brandon Herrington by KO in Round 1.
- Zac Grant def. Rodney Chesser by submission (keylock) in Round 1.
- Scott Fremming def. James Turner by submission (rear naked choke) in Round 1.
- Joey Brooks def. Rob Adams by submission (rear naked choke) in Round 1.
- Cody Gibbons def. Ryan Reynolds by TKO (strikes) in Round 1.
Hardrock MMA Play-by-Play
Jon Voth vs. Jason Hayden (135 am title)
Round 1 – This match will not only determine the new Hardrock MMA 135 champ (vacant title), but in my opinion, will also determine the order for the number one and two 135 amateurs in the state.Voth fights out of Reaction MMA in Lexington, KY and Hayden represents Nice Guy Submission Fighting in Owensboro, KY. Voth opens with a good right and follows it up with more punches. Hayden moves in and clinches and Voth reverses him against the cage. Hayden lands a pair of good knees to the body. It almost goes tot he ground, but the two stand. They clinch up and trade knees and Voth works Hayden against the cage. Hayden lands another solid knee to the body and another and they trade body shots. They separate and trade more shots and Hayden pushes Voth against the cage. Voth reverses and Hayden lands a knee to the body. Hayden reverses and then unintentionally knees Voth in the groin and the action is stopped. The action restarts and Voth lands a good leg kick. Hayden misses with a high kick and lands a head shot. Voth scores with a good body shot and Hayden lands a flying knee. Voth catches him and turns, pushing him against the cage, landing short shots. Hayden misses with a knee to the head and lands one to the body. Voth lands a short hook and Hayden pulls him down to the ground. Hayden looks for an armbar from the bottom, but Voth spins over top of him and gets out. Hayden looks for a heelhook, but can’t finish it before the round ends. A tight round for sure, could go either way.
Round 2 – Voth lands a jab to start and Hayden answers with a right. Hayden tries another flying knee and Voth catches him. Voth lands a knee to the body and the two trade knees to the body and short body shots, pressed against the cage. Voth lands another knee to the body and Hayden lands a short hard right. Hayden lands some knees to Voth legs and is warned for holding the fence. Hayden drops for a double-leg taekdown and then switches to a single leg, but Voth defends. Hayden gets Voth down but Voth gets back to his feet with Hayden still looking for the takedown. Hayden scores the takedown and tries to pass to side control. Voth tries to kick Hayden off and Hayden stands and Voth lands a good upkick. Hayden lands two shots from the top and tries to get out of half-guard. Hayden lands a good shot from the top and Voth kicks him off again. Hayden lands a leg kick from the top then drops for a leglock but lets it go. Hayden lands more shots from the top as the round ends. Good defense by Voth, but I think Hayden’s control will see him take the round 10-9.
Round 3 – Hayden lands a leg kick to start. He goes for a second one and lands another shot to Voth’s groin and the action is stopped. Restart, and Voth misses with a headkick. Voth lands a leg kick and Hayden lands an uppercut and pair of hooks. The two are trading hard shots and Hayden is getting the better of the exchange. Voth goes for a takedown and Hayden tries to take his back then go for a reverse triangle. Voth lands a shot but Hayden cinches the triangle and scores the submission win.
Jason Hayden wins by submission (triangle) in Round 3 to become the new Hardrock MMA bantamweight champion. That was easily Fight of the Night. A hell of a performance from both fighters, and a Submission of the Night
Tyler Young vs. Joe Maiani (145 am title)
Round 1 – Young immediately goes for a flying knee and Maiani looks for a side kick, but neither really connects. He pushes Maiani against the cage and tries to land multiple knees to the head. They trade knees to the body and Maiani lands a takedown but almost puts himself into a triangle. Young tries to get the triangle locked but can’t get his foot behind his knee. Young transitions looking for an armbar and Maiani tries to pull his arm out but can’t. Maiani gets it out and transitions to side control. Young pulls guard and Maiani tries to land some short shots from the top. Maiani lands a couple more bit shots from the top as the horn sounds. Tough round. Young had control in the beginning but I think Maiani’s top control for the second half of the round will see him win the round 10-9.
Round 2 – Young fires off a pair of head kicks to start but neither connect. Maiani lands a kick and the two hit the ground, Maiani working to take Young’s back. Young rolls and pulls guard and Maiai land a pair of hammer fists but Young goes for an armbar. Maiani gets his arm out and lands some short shots inside of Young’s guard. Young looks for another triangle but eats some shots for it as Maiani works from side control landing more shots from the top. Maiani looks for a crucifix and Young catches one of Maiani’s arms, looking for a kimura but can’t tighten it before the round ends. Maiani should see the better end of the scorecards in this round as well, 10-9.
Round 3 – Maiani lands a side kick then misses with a second. Maiani looks to shoot in and eats a knee to the eat. Young ends up on Maiani’s back but Maiani pulls out the back and takes top position. Young looks for a triangle again but Maiani gets his head out. Young rolls and takes the top position and works for the triangle briefly before Maiani gets his head and arm free again, transitioning to side control. Maiani lands some short shots from the top and Young tries to buck him off but can’t. Maiani tries to move to Young’s back but Young rolls. Maiani takes his back but then moves to the side but looks for something like a rear naked choke. Young briefly defends, but ultimately is forced to tap.
Joe Maiani wins by submission (rear naked choke) in Round 3 to stay the Hardrock MMA amateur featherweight champ.
Erik Florez vs. Jason Keen (PRO)
Round 1 – Florez fires off a body kick to start. Keen fires back with one and Florez shoots in and gets his head stuck in a guillotine attempt by Keen. Florez tries to pull out but Keen hands on. Florez trips Keen and gets him down but Keen still has Florez’s head locked up. Florez tries to roll and eventually gets his head out but Keen immediately starts firing shots from the top. Florez tries to get out of the bottom position but can’t. He rolls and Keen takes his back, landing shots to the side of Florez’s head. Keen lands more shots from the top. Florez gets control of one of Keen’s arms but Keen pulls it free. Florez gets control of one arm again and tries to move to get Keen off his back but Keen continues to land shots to the side of Florez’s head. Florez gets Keen off his back briefly but Keen quickly retakes the position. There’s a lull in the action as the two seem stuck in this position but Florez manages to get Keen off his back and take the top position, moving to Keen’s back and quickly sinking in the rear naked choke for the win. Excellent job by Florez staying patient and not panicking.
Erik Florez wins by submission (rear naked choke) in Round 1.
Eric Slocum vs. Rob Mooney (PRO)
Round 1 – Slocum misses with kicks early and Mooney shoots in and takes him down. They stand and Mooney scores another takedown. Slocum briefly works the rubberguard but Mooney stands in control on the top, grabbing a guillotine and standing with control of Slocum’s neck, landing knees to the head. Mooney knees Slocum’s legs and then drops for another takedown. Slocum ties to tie up Mooney’s head in a triangle but Mooney defends and the two stand. Mooney lands two short shots and they separate. Slocum lands a light leg kick and Mooney answers with one of his own. In an odd moment, the action is stopped as it appears something is wrong with the cage floor. The action restarts, and Slocum opens with a jab that falls short. More jabs fall short and Mooney shoots in and pushes Slocum against the cage. Mooney looks for a single leg and pulls Slocum down. They stand and Mooney lands a knee to the body before shooting in against. Slocum defends and Mooney gets Slocum down with a single leg. Slocum looks for a guillotine attempt but Mooney gets his head out, postures up and lands elbows from the top. Slocum pulls guard but Mooney lands more shots from the top. Mooney passes to side control, landing more shots from the top and Slocum manages to get full guard again. Mooney stands inside of Slocum’s guard and lands more shots from the top and then gets out as Slocum tries to land multiple upkicks. Mooney goes back in to land another shot as the round ends. Should be a solid round for Mooney, 10-9.
Round 2 – Slocum opens with a right and then misses with a headkick. Mooney sneaks in a legkick and they circle. Slocum misses with another right and Mooney moves in and takes him down. Mooney stands and lands shots from the top. Mooney lands multiple body shots and Slocum gets out and as Mooney tries to stand, Slocum fires off what is clearly an illegal knee to the head of the downed Mooney. The action is halted to give Mooney time to recover. The action restarts and Slocum lands a legkick. Mooney ducks under a right and takes Slocum down with a double-leg. Slocum lands body shots from the bottom position and Mooney looks for a keylock from the top. He transitions to side control, lets go of the keylock and lands some short headshots. They stand and Mooney gets Slocum down with a single-leg takedown. Slocum tries to tie up Mooney’s neck but Mooney gets his head out and lands more head and body shots from the top. The two stand and Mooney lands a solid knee to the head. Mooney pushes Slocum against the cage and looks for a single leg as the round ends and Slocum tries to land illegal elbows to the head. Slocum is warned by the referee after the round is stopped. Mooney should see the better end of that round as well, 10-9.
Round 3 – Slocum gets in a jab to start and Mooney lands a leg kick then pushes Slocum against the cage and lands knees to Slocum legs. Mooney trips Slocum and takes him down, landing in the top position. Mooney lands some short shots from the top. Mooney stand and Slocum lands an upkick. Mooney immediately moves back in with a short head shot and then locks up a darce, quickly sinking it in to end the fight.
Rob Mooney wins by submission (darce) in Round 3.
[…] For a play-by-play of Mooney’s fight, visit Pro MMA Now. […]