
Stone Cold Steve Austin now has a common wrestler problem called “olecranon bursitis,” which Wikipedia describes as “Smiles’ elbow,” “elbow bump,” “student’s elbow,” “Popeye elbow,” “baker’s elbow,” or “gamer’s elbow.” This is just nasty looking and we needed to hear more about it so we went to the man himself.

I bent down to pick up a weight and I used my left arm, and my [expletive] left arm didn’t wanna bend. And I’m like ‘man, what the [expletive]’s wrong with my arm?’ So I grabbed my left arm with my right hand, and it’s like someone had buried a golf ball in my elbow.

You know, back in the day, when I was in the game of pro wrestling, when I was first starting out – or hell, it could be any time – try and make a flat-back landing and sometimes your elbows just bang into that mat and you bust that bursa sac. Virtually all the boys who ever come up in the business have that tennis ball elbow as you go through the paces, because it kinda comes with the territory.

The picture is almost fake looking and certainly hard to look at. Since when did Steve Austin ever do something that could considered less than extreme? Never, sir. Never.

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