
Now I for one was super stoked at the idea of Fembots in the Austin Power movies. Who knew that one day there would actually be a machine that was designed to extract male love juices. According to a report on GuyCodeBlog, a sex machine is already in operation in China. The hands free experience has popped up in a Chinese hospital located in Nanjing.

This machine has it all! The $2,800 device is adjustable to the male’s height and has settings for speed , amplitude and warmth. You know, everything you need to get in the mood to have a machine extract sperm from you.  If the settings just aren’t doing it for you there is also a screen to provide you that extra push.

The medical explanation is a bit strange as is this whole damn thing. The director of urology for this hospital says this machine is to aid those men who were too intimidated to masturbate in a clinical setting. I for one would not feel real great about being in a room alone with this thing. What if some Maximum Overdrive stuff happened and the machine turned evil! That would be a hard way to lose your man parts.

Sex Machine

This innovation appears to only be available in a hospital type setting. The real money to be made is when you can downscale the cost and get these into your  local Hustler stores for personal use. We all know Brian Furby is saving money now to get one.

Still curious? Check out this video of the machine in action.



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